Category Archives: around home


This weekend was work’s Winterfest – really just the Christmas party delayed by a few weeks to avoid the craziness of December.  There aren’t too many places in the Bow Valley that can cater for the Lafarge crowd, so after eliminating the others in Banff & Canmore because they’re rubbish, this year we were at the Delta Lodge at Kananaskis.   Kananaskis Village is about thirty minutes drive from home & I hadn’t been up this way since the snow came & mountain-biking was stopped.  I enjoyed the drive up & back in the moonlight picking out various peaks & passes I had biked up to & over.  Dinner was as all good Christmas dinners should be – huge & delicious.  The highlights of 2010 were amusing & I was somewhat bemused by the plant manager identifying housekeeping as the biggest challenge for this year.  Things must be going pretty well if the largest concern is making sure the piles of clinker & cement & raw mix are kept under control.  Since I’m saving for the next adventure I passed on staying the night, so left all my colleagues at the bar in order to get home for a bit of sleep before another day’s skiing.

My cunning plan of actually getting some sleep didn’t work out so well – but I seemed to have survived the day OK.  Driving back out to Nakiska, I was pleased to be avoiding Sunshine as the traffic from Calgary (opposite direction) was very heavy heading to Sunshine & Lake Louise.  Nakiska is a nice little ski hill that is a legacy from the 1988 Olympics – they held the alpine skiing events there, the skifield was built for that purpose.  The Bow Valley has done pretty well out of those Olympics – the Nordic Center in Canmore is world class & Nakiska seems to be quite popular too as it’s great for beginners & the closest hill to Calgary.  There were insane amounts of kids learning to ski & tweens racing – it was best to avoid the lower slopes.

Accordingly, we (my sort-of boss, Viviane & her fiancee, Alex [yes, yet another one]) spent all morning doing runs off the top lift as the runs were good & the queues were non-existent.  Viviane is one of those people who learnt to ski when they were two years old & Alex was pretty handy too.  So it was good fun trying to keep up with them & learn a little.  All the runs were groomed nicely – it was pleasant to be able to try & concentrate on my technique a little more rather than just trying to stay upright as was the case last weekend (not that I’m complaining about powder).  It was another gorgeous & warm day – didn’t need a down jacket all day, this was helped by my remembering to bring my soft-shell this weekend.

Looking across the Kananaskis valley

Alex – I actually managed an action shot

There’s Skogan Pass behind me – where Alex (C) & I biked over a few months ago

The wind really picked up in the afternoon up the top & blew a lot of the snow off near the top of the lift leaving some pretty nasty ice, so we dropped down the hill a bit for the last couple of hours before I returned home & had a nice big nap, dinner & an hour of skating on the pond with friends & friends of friends (Adele you’ll be intrigued to hear I met a climbing GP from Wanaka here for a few days on vacation).  Must sleep before Sunshine tomorrow (avalanche risk is still pretty high this weekend – so no backcountry for me again).

Confusing weather, but more powder

Just when you thought I couldn’t make this any more boring, I’m going to talk about the weather a bit.  It’s been really weird this week.  For pretty much most of the working week, the mercury sat at or around -20ºC – which wasn’t too unusual or unpleasant.  I managed to get one enjoyable XC ski in at the Nordic Center, where I was surprised to find I wasn’t really all that cold.  Then come Friday, it was still just as cold but a whole lot of moisture actually made it this far (from the Pacific) & dumped a whole heap of snow in the valley.  We don’t get a lot of snow (in Canadian terms, not NZ terms) here in town & it doesn’t usually snow when it’s really cold – somehow we ended up with twenty centimetres on Friday.  I was glad – not least because I finally had cause to wear my winter boots when walking around town (shoes have been fine all winter).  They got a lot up at Sunshine too – I think it took quite a lot of work for Alex to free his car after work, looking at the photo I’m not surprised.

Of course, I was back at Sunshine on Saturday for the second powder-Saturday in a row.  This one was even better than the last.  I joined Megan, Alex & Finn for a morning camped at Goat’s Eye enjoying the powder.  Well, it was me & whoever wasn’t watching Finn at the time.  Here’s everyone waiting for the gondola & looking either happy or unaware & confused at the prospect of all that nice powder.

Alex managed to get quite a nice little break from work, so Megan & I got quite a few good runs in.  My powder skiing is slowly improving – at least this week it was a little denser so one didn’t sink quite as easily (visibility was much better too).  With such good skiing conditions(& it was warm, around 0ºC – the temperature inversion had it much warmer than in town for the second day running), there were more people on the hill than I’d seen all season; consequently, the runs became rather scoured out & bumpy by the end of the morning.  Naturally, I had a few more little falls as Megan merrily lead me through trees & down some new runs (for me).  Can you tell she was excited to be out skiing on such a great day?

With a baby-sitter change, I got in a couple of runs in with Alex and then Megan before we skied out (I enjoyed it again, what’s going on?) around lunch time.  A great morning’s skiing & I was pretty tired out – all that turning in all that powder & the heat really took it out of me.

After a lunch & shower stop at home I was walking around to entertain Finn while Megan finished off her rather elaborate rendition of the Settlers board in cupcakes for Alex’s almost-birthday dinner.  Here’s the creek just out side our backdoor, the ducks seem to have come back now that it’s not -20ºC.

It seems now that Finn has a much better idea than he did six weeks ago of who Mum & Dad are – I no longer cut it as an agreeable person to be holding him for extended periods.  Still Megan finished her masterpiece & cooked a casserole before Joel & Kristy got in from skiing Lake Louise.  The cupcakes looked fantastic & tasted pretty damn good too.

With all the snow in the last few days & the warming of the temperatures, the avalanche risk was high all weekend at & above the tree line.  I wasn’t keen to head out back-country, so decided to go to the hill again with Kurt, whom I’d met before Christmas at an Alpine Club event – I mention that only to show that I do actually know a Canadian here & not just Aussies.  Beside, when you wake up & see this, how can you stay at home?


Sunshine conditions have definitely improved a lot in the last few weeks!  The crazy temperature variations were in full swing today – so much so that even though I stood outside for quite a while waiting to be picked up, I didn’t even notice I had forgotten to put my soft-shell on.  It wasn’t until we were in the parking lot that I realised that I didn’t have my jacket.  I survived the day with my down jacket on the outside, I was a little concerned that the high temperature would have all the snow that was landing on me melting  – this turned out not to be the case.

Kurt, it turned out, had been skiing for most of his life – he comprehensively left me behind on many occasions.  At least I was able to entertain him with two big crashes on some more of those really bumpy runs off Goat’s Eye.  By lunchtime I was keen to head up to the village to try out some different runs.  We managed to meet up with Joel & Kristy (in Trappers of course) for the afternoon.  By now the clouds had really come in & it was snowing quite heavily again.  We split up shortly after – I figured Joel could give Kurt a better run for his money & I was happy mucking around on some blue runs with Kristy & Ryan.  It was a good afternoon as we stayed away from the white-out on Standish & kept to some of the lower lifts.  By the time we got back to the gondola base, it was fair puking down – as it was so warm, the flakes were huge & pretty wet.   It snowed all the way back to Banff & then strangely turned to rain – I haven’t seen rain for months.  Near the park gates the temperature had dropped slightly to -1ºC, a few kilometres later nearing home it had plunged to -11ºC.  That was pretty crazy – all the rain water had instantly frozen to the side of the car.  I haven’t mentioned the freezing rain yet either.  Alas, it seems all is back to normal now – it’s touching -20ºC again, in time to go back to work.

Going to local news for a while: I’m now extra pleased that we didn’t go back-country this weekend.  Two skiers got buried in an avalanche up Burstall Pass way yesterday – Adele, you may remember we were up there a few-days-shy-of-a-year ago.  They didn’t survive & weren’t easy to find as they were up there with out avalanche transceivers.  I don’t know a lot about avalanches, but that doesn’t seem particularly smart on many counts.  Interestingly, emergency services were alerted by others in the area activating the SOS function on their SPOT – nice to know it works.

Railway Ave events – well, just one really

I never knew the sleepy little mountain town of Canmore had so many police cars until this afternoon (admittedly, some may have come from elsewhere).  I haven’t seen so many decked out glorified-Crown Vics in one spot since the San Diego mugging incident that kicked my travels off eighteen or so months ago.  At least this time, I’m not nearly as involved – although the result is somewhat more shocking, but also strangely distant (literally & figuratively).  This story kicks off over the weekend with a couple of armed robberies around town coming out of nowhere.  One was of a tanning salon just off Main Street; I’m still confused why one would hold up a salon for cash, surely they don’t have that much.  But then I’m not sure I could ever start to understand the mentality that says it’s a good idea to rob someone using a pistol or anything else, or nothing at all for that matter.

First I knew about all this was yesterday when we were wandering around town looking at/for various pieces of gear & there seemed to be an unusually high number of Mounties wandering around (without breaking into chorus).  This was pretty much the police going around warning the local businesses of the fact that there was a gun-toting robber around town.

Fast-forward to this afternoon & I was thinking nothing more of it & I was happily ensconced at home finishing Watership Down (which was brilliant, nothing to do with shipping & everything to do with rabbits) & doing my shoulder exercises when I noticed something about a RCMP shooting on my Canmore feed.  Low & behold the cops had pulled over the robbery suspect, he fired a couple of shots & they shot him back.  Just as disturbing was that this was right at the end of our driveway – Steve had to get an escort through the cordon just to get home.  Once again, I’m mystified why you would be out robbing people when it’s -20ºC outside.  As this was only a few hours ago details are still a little hazy, but it seems that it was the robbery suspect that was shot & who subsequently died.  So at least it wasn’t someone more innocent, as such, but it still fairly stinks.

Powder Day finally & Ethel

Snow had been forecast for the start of the weekend all week & just to keep us guessing, the forecast was actually correct more than a few days out.  As I woke up at my normal get-up-for-work time & I had no one else to pick up, I was out at the hill ridiculously early.  The snow was fair coming down as I left Canmore, tapered off a bit around Banff & then came back once on the access road.

One of the only advantages that I can see to riding the gondola alone is that it gives you plenty of space to stretch, so that’s what I did before sitting in the day lodge for a little while waiting for the chairs to open.  Before this morning, I was completely unused to skiing powder with any degree of competence; so, I started off on the smallest lift – actually, I always start there being a creature of habit & some sentimentality.  It was good fun having to ski in a slightly different way & I was thankful for my big wide skis.  The light was really flat & I finally understood what this means – it was so hard to see any sort of contour in the snow.  Often I would hit a little rise, jump or drop without seeing it – my knees got a good workout.  It was also hard to pick the steepness of the slopes & all of a sudden it could change & be a little surprising.  Nonetheless, it was a blast & I enjoyed putting some of the first tracks down a few of the runs.  I’m not sure I should have headed up Divide so early as it was pretty windswept & the crust was easy to find.  Wawa provided my best runs of the day.

After an early lunch, I headed off to the Goat’s Eye area & quite enjoyed it over there.  By now I was starting to miss having someone dragging me off to different runs.  My ability is not such that I’m overly keen on throwing myself off unknown black runs – but I gave a few new ones a go.  By the early afternoon most of the powder had been scoured out in to big piles – I found it interesting going from hard packed snow & then all of a sudden hitting a big clump of powder.  This I blame for my only good bail of the day.  By two o’clock I’d had enough (twenty-six runs in five hours is not bad going) & I enjoyed the ski-out for the second time in a row – what’s going on with that?  I’m not entirely sure why I carried my camera around all day, but I did & felt obliged to take at least one picture.  So here’s my car, which was clear of snow when I left it, looking nice & clean on the top half.  And that ends the best day I’ve had skiing yet.

As suspected, I bought a SPOT first (before the GPS & helmet-cam).  I think this was mostly because I could just wander downtown after work yesterday & get it – GPSs & helmet-cams offer significantly more options & will therefore require research.  So now can I check-in & also have a way of getting help if I ever need it in the back of beyond.  I don’t think it’ll get much use for a few months, but come roadtrip time it’ll get a thrashing.  For now, you can see where I’ve been in the last couple of days – first in Canmore, ice-skating on the pond & today, the Sunshine parking lot.