Category Archives: NZ

Alps2Ocean – Day Two – Ohau to Kurow

Not exactly waking early after a good night’s sleep, we breakfasted and prepared for a longer day on the bikes. Leaving all our overnight gear to be picked up by Mum & Dad we continued on the road around the lake to Lake Ohau Lodge.

From there the trail switches direction south and starts the largest climb on the route. It’s off road through the Ruataniwha Conservation Park. There’s about four hundred metres of elevation to gain, but it’s at a very gentle gradient (about five percent or less) and the views are a good distraction too.

More lupins, this time bordering a mountain stream. The flowering manuka bushes became more apparent.

The views of the lake and the Ben Ohau Range improved as we gradually got higher. It was rather a grey day, and the headwind that would hang around all day began to plague us.

Most of the riding was through open grassland, we saw a few other small groups of riders and as showers passed through we played the on-again, off-again game with our rain jackets.

Occasionally the trail would cross a larger stream, usually at such places we would ride through a few hundred metres of native bush.

The manuka became more prevalent.

Still we climbed, ever so slowly gaining height. Despite the breeze and cloud, it was pleasant riding.

I stopped plenty to admire the view. Lake Middleton, where we camped, is just visible below the near short of Lake Ohau.

Eventually we could see a bit more of where we were going. The weather didn’t look any more inviting, especially with the breeze picking up. But it wasn’t cold – so that was nice.

Reaching the crest of the climb, we paused for a snack and looked down on the trail stretching away.

The downhill was fast, easy and fun. There were even some convenient little banks to ride up around corners.

Just as you near Quailburn Road, a new stretch of trail has been built diverting riders up towards a historic woolshed.

We poked around said woolshed a bit before heading down the road towards Omarama.

Surrounded by lupins again, it was a long gradual downhill to the highway. However, with the breeze in our faces coming up the valley it didn’t feel that much of a downhill.

Irrigators stretched into the distance – this one not looking like it’s doing a particularly effective job.

We toiled into the wind, I did my best to tow Adele along – but as many rides home from work with colleagues has shown me: I’m hopeless at getting the pace right leading other cyclists.

At the busy Wrinkly Rams cafe in Omarama, we met Mum & Dad (who had been to pick up our camping gear) for a large lunch. Although most of the rest of the day would be down the Waitaki River valley, there was still seventy kilometres of headwind to go. Shortly after we had left Omarama, Mum joined us for a lovely downhill section to and alongside the western arm of Lake Benmore.

About to join the highway for a decent climb, I paused at this quiet jetty while the extra bike was packed away.

The highway stretch was pretty horrid with little shoulder – thankfully there weren’t many trucks. Cresting the rise after fighting the wind, it only strengthened for the steeper descent down to Otematata. So, one of those annoying times of having to pedal down a steep hill. Thankfully we turned off the highway, although that did mean skirting Otematata – which would have been a homecoming of sorts, as Mum & Dad a holiday home there for a few years.

Back on a cycle path, we headed towards Benmore Dam listening to the roar of jet boats as holiday-makers zoomed around.

The last notable climb of the day stood before us – holding back the largest hydro lake in the country.

That achieved (it’s a reasonable climb, but short lived), we looked out over the boats, the Waitaki River and the hills beyond.

Leaving Dad and Mum, who’d met us at the top, there was another nice downhill back to the river level. Into the wind. There was thirty-five kilometres left gently down to Kurow; which all involved continued leaning into/against various angles of wind coming up the valley. It was slow work, but not raining and not cold – so that was helpful.

Mostly the quiet road (which became a lot quieter after passing the last camping ground) followed the shore of Lake Aviemore, so we were able to look out over the choppy waters and watch the kite-boarders and wind-surfers enjoying the wind more than we were. We crossed the Aviemore Dam and rejoined the highway for the last section of the day to Kurow.

As the shadows lengthened we followed the Upper Waitaki Irrigation Canal for some distance. Which is a useful segue for plugging Dad’s book.

As an aside, I spent a lot of the latter half of last year doing the first rough edit of Dad’s book that he’s been working on for a few years. I found it fascinating reading as a great mix of history – agricultural, social and engineering – focussed on irrigation in North Otago. It was published in December and I’m very impressed, and proud too – maybe one day I’ll have a book in me (I write enough here, I should have). Water, North Otago’s Gold details over a century of efforts to bring water to the fertile, but dry, lands of North Otago – leave a comment if you’re interested in a copy.

Shortly before seven o’clock we rolled up to the pub, stashing our bikes in the back bar we settled down to a well deserved steaks-all-round meal and some local wine (I’d no idea there were vineyards around Kurow). I’m unsure why I still get surprised at Adele’s ability to put in such long days – especially on a bike where she spends little time.  It was another great day of bike riding through a lot of countryside.

A little wander around Kurow before trying to get some sleep – I slept better in the tent.

Alps2Ocean – Day One – Tekapo to Ohau

Down south for two weeks for Christmas, I was keen to a multi-day ride. Close to where we were, is the Alps2Ocean trail. The longest of the NZ Cycle Trails I’d only ridden the last hundred kilometres a couple of years ago – I was keen to complete another of these fantastic trails that appeared while I was overseas. Adele was easily convinced to join me on a bike adventure for a few days. Somehow we persuaded Dad and Mum to drive the support vehicle and lug most of our camping gear around – this worked well as I’d brought my full suspension mountain-bike with me and wasn’t set up to carry much luggage.

The Alps2Ocean officially starts in the mountains at Mt Cook Village and makes it was down to the ocean at Oamaru some three hundred kilometres later. But the first section has the Tasman River to cross which requires an expensive helicopter ride – so the alternative start at Tekapo is popular. Driving up from Oamaru in the morning we took some scenic roads I’d not travelled before and stopped in Fairlie to buy pies that Adele had been raving about. I followed her advice and got the pulled pork offering. We lunched at our start point on the side of Lake Tekapo, looking at the mountains.

So much pulled pork, delicious apple sauce and the top of the pie was a very large piece of crackling! Also, scenic lake and mountains.

About to go bikepacking (sort of) – on full suspension MTBs, with big slow tyres, few & a narrow range of gears, little luggage and most oddly: wearing a backpack.

Leaving Tekapo through residential streets we soon dropped down to the level of the hyrdoelectric canal (Tekapo A being the first of many power stations the route passes alongside NZ’s biggest hydro network) that we would follow most of the way to Lake Pukaki.

The cross wind along here was horrid, we soon turned west to have it at our backs.

The riding was easy, with a big tailwind we made good progress despite the limited top gear. The mountains came into view.

It was a good thing the riding was so easy, as the mountains were quite distracting. Mt Cook, NZ’s highest – which Adele has summited, on the right. I got a brief lesson in the names of the peaks and various climbing routes.

Passing the first big salmon farm (we saw three that day), the canal pooled before entering penstocks down to Tekapo B. We sped down the hill to the shores of Pukaki.

Following a quiet road for five kilometres, it wasn’t difficult to stop and look back at the Southern Alps.

Just before the climb to the highway, the route turned off to a lovely trail around the shores. A good time for second lunch – Christmas ham & cheese sandwiches.

Crossing the highway, the trail continued on a long gentle downhill to Twizel – the wind still at our backs.

Navigation on Alps2Ocean is a breeze – I had mounted my GPS on my bike, but I didn’t need it at all for route-finding; the signage is extremely good, the moment the thought “a sign would be useful about now” starts to enter one’s mind – such a sign appears.

Bikes pose with some rather dinky earthmoving equipment at the entrance to Twizel. The assortment stands testament to the massive civil engineering project started decades ago and that still provides a large proportion of NZ’s electricity.

Stopping in Twizel, we ate, met Mum & Dad and organised the rest of the day. Initially, we thought we’d have dinner in Twizel and ride into the evening, but the wind was so helpful – it was too early. Supplies were bought for a family picnic dinner where we would camp.

With five or so kilometres climbing across the wind, we were back up at canal level. We turned with the wind again and followed the Pukaki Canal to its junction with the Ohau Canal. Riding alongside the Ohau Canal we were soon on the edge of Lake Ohau.

After crossing the top of the Ohau River, the trail turned to narrower graveled cycle trail.

This ten kilometre section around the lake, in the evening light, was the highlight of the day. The riding was ever so slightly more engaging, there was no one around, the lake was moody, the mountains standing watching behind it. What a fantastic end to the day’s riding!

Mum & Dad, long suffering as they are obliging us with our crazy adventures, were waiting at the Lake Middleton campground (a tiny lake right next to Ohau, that seems to be popular as a family camping spot). We found a suitable site for the tent, ate dinner, set up camp, farewelled Mum & Dad as they drove back to Kurow, and fell asleep reflecting on a rather excellent afternoon’s riding. The wind sure was helpful – almost ninety kilometres with no real effort in less than five hours of riding. Well, there may have been some effort – I slept unusually well in the tent.

An Oamaru Christmas, again

Having missed a family Christmas the previous year due to starting a new job and needing to save leave for Tour Aotearoa, I headed south for two weeks. With Adele & James newly married and in their first home, it was to be Christmas in Oamaru for us – for the first time in over ten years. Much to my amusement it was to be on the same street as ten years ago too.

Driving north up the highway on Christmas Eve.

Adele and James were very excited to host their first Christmas. It would be very different to our traditionally small family gathering, with James’s parents and sister joining up on the day. I’ve definitely never seen so many presents under a tree for our Christmas.

Everything went swimmingly – it was a lovely, relaxed day with family and the food was most excellent.

Dad testing the heat from the brazier – a fine way to be able to tolerate cool Oamaru evenings outside.

Christmas brunch.

Don’t mind if I do.

Suddenly, Don invited me out on a Christmas Day MTB ride. Wow! This is fantastic. We went up to the reservoir, where there is a great little loop.

We made sure to be back for Christmas dinner…

and dessert – which may have been just as large as the main course.

After all that, there was a couple of spare hours for a big walk around South Hill and down to the harbour. It had clouded over, but my past complaining of poor Oamaru Christmas weather was non-existent as there was too much else going on – and I’d been mountain-biking!

There’s a cool playground down at the harbour – this slide is extremely steep, I managed to hold on to my dinner.

And the swings are bike-themed!

Boxing Day we loaded up vehicles with bikes and a big picnic and headed over to James & Adele’s section of pine trees and pond on the edge of Naseby. A few of us, me included, had not been over Dansey’s Pass in years – so we took the scenic route.

We passed a few bikepackers coming off or going up the pass (it was steep!) – my mind turned to planning big loops when I start to spend more time down here with family.

We stopped at the quaint Dansey’s Pass pub for a pint in the sun before carrying on.

Arriving at the section, there was much delight as Don had surreptitiously had the long driveway gravelled – it was far smoother.

Work has begun on James & Adele’s own mountain-bike track on their eight hectares. James showed it to me; while only in the first stage, it’s a great ride with some cool features.

I look forward to seeing how it develops and hopefully helping a bit too.

Picnic lunch was devoured before we headed up to the swimming dam.

The last time I was here – for the wedding week – the dam had been emptied for winter and I rode my bike across the floor. Not this time, as it was filled again and being enjoyed by many. However, most of us went biking. I had a great time chasing James through twisty singletrack, down some steep washes, through the trees and so on.

The lupins were out in force – after finishing the MTBing, I took Dad on a leisurely ride alongside the water race and came across this patch.

After a fantastic day hanging out in Naseby, we headed back over the pass.

Where we promptly sat around the brazier again, eating and drinking with family and friends.

Thanks to all for a great Christmas – particularly Adele & James for hosting us all so well.

Mangatutu Two Hot Springs S24O

In what may become a December tradition, I was keen to repeat my Mangatutu Hot Springs overnight ride of last year. With all that’s been going on and an upcoming week on call for work & then Christmas – last weekend was the only one left. The forecast looked fair (just a few showers later afternoon Saturday) and I managed to get all packed in an hour, with some encouragement, in the morning. However I got a bit sidetracked(ed) early afternoon, which was OK as it was so hot, and didn’t leave until after two o’clock.

I rode the same route as last year, so will try not to repeat myself too much. As I knew how long it should take me, I figured I had plenty of time; I was also in a photo-taking mood. The northerly was strong and very warm.

Looking north-east as I climb before reaching Glengarry Road.

Shortly after, looking towards the Kawekas and bit of cloud.

There seem to be a few stud farms up near Rissington – these Charolais.

Climbing more, it’s proper humid – this looking south.

Looking back east, back down the road I’m following – the hills are getting bigger. Much climbing, slightly less descent.

Nearing Patoka, the light rain I’d been enjoying got heavier. I sheltered in a small bus shelter trying to work out if it would pass. It didn’t. Putting on my rain gear I carried on.

Through Puketitiri the rain eased & then stopped. I was only half-heartedly pursued by the same fox terrier that harassed me with such speed last year. I was rewarded with a glorious rainbow.

More glorious green hills – it really is wonderful up there.

Passing Ball’s Clearing, the gravel finally started. I was starting to get concerned that the sky was darkening and I’d spent so long taking photos, that I might be a bit later than intended. Thankfully I’d stashed a bacon and egg pie in my frame bag on my way through Napier. I had that for first dinner, needing the energy – but not feeling that hungry. I was sitting around 600 m of elevation, climbing in general, when the rain came back as a light mist. It set in, so all the rain gear went back on. It was still rather hot as I was riding straight into the northerly.

The views were a bit different to last year – but I was still in high spirits, if not thoroughly wet – not for the first time that day.

I reached the top of a large descent that took me into another valley before turning off to Makahu Rd and the hot springs.

There’s only eleven kilometres left to ride, out of seventy-nine, but three significant hills to climb. The first is so steep the gravel has been sealed.

I paused near the first crest to see how all the livestock were coping – completely unperturbed would be the answer.

The rain continued as I plunged down to the only ford that must be negotiated – I got wetter feet, but at least the river was warm. Next was the longest steep climb of the day – now in dusk, it was so hot I rode up there (it goes on & on) without my helmet or hood on. A couple of cars heading for the pools passed me. Through the private farmland down to the last bridge and there stood another steep climb. That surpassed it was downhill to the campsite at around sunset.

I quickly put my tent up and somehow managed to light my small meths burner in the rain and cook dinner. I crawled into my tent, trying to keep all my dry things as dry as possible and ate dinner there. Now dry, the thought of going out in the rain to the hot springs didn’t appeal – so I listened to wonderful podcasts and was pleased at how this little adventure turned out. I remembered the delight my grandfather took in, as explained in his short autobiography, overcoming the elements when on a bike. This was hardly English cold or rain – but it felt good all the same. The rain continued to fall as I drifted to sleep.

After one of the better night’s sleep I’d had recently, I was up and about early enough under a clear blue sky. Having not been able to finish dinner the previous night, I had the strange taste of freeze-dried chicken curry for breakfast (not for the first time I must admit – Kiwi Brevet Day Two comes to mind). I had the hot springs to myself as I soaked aching muscles and cares away.

A peak of the Mohaka River from the pools – it’s not a bad spot, at all.

I faffed around a bit waiting for the sun to dry out some of my soaked gear – that worked a bit, but eventually I admitted defeat and packed away a lot of wet gear. Setting off before nine o’clock, it was straight into the steep climbs on the gravel.

Looking back towards the northern end of the Kawekas.

Back onto the main road, I went back up yesterday’s plunge – a little bit of a contrast to five photos above.

It’s shearing time, I watched for some time the ebbs and flows of this mob of sheep being herded. It was a strangely relaxing sight as the dogs and shepherds worked away. Sheep in yards and the buzz of shears were a regular occurrence for the rest of the ride back to town.

The setting may have helped some.

Back through Puketitiri, I stopped at the local Par 3 golf course for water and was a little sad about declining rural communities.

I was eager to get home and somehow managed the return trip on half of last night’s dinner and few handfuls of scroggin/trail mix. The sou-wester was even stronger than the northerly of the day before, but my legs were up to it – even if my poor stomach had no idea what it was feeling. Home easily in less than twenty-four hours, I was thankful for the escape of micro-adventures as I set about washing and drying everything. An excellent little trip – I think making that a regular December trip is a good idea; although perhaps I should check the Kaweka forecast more carefully in the future.