Category Archives: NZ

Kiwi Brevet 2015 – My Day Two

One can’t complain too much when you wake up in the wilderness with views like this:

I had a leisurely start to the day & managed to eat the rest of my dinner that I couldn’t the night before. The other two were off well before me, so I spent most of the morning riding solo. Back on the route, it was soon the turn off to the St James Cycleway – part of the NZ Cycle Trail. I’ve ridden a few of the easier trails that are part of the network further south recently, but this was a whole different level and was actually mountain-biking – it was incredible.

First up it was a decent 250 m climb on 4WD track up to Maling Pass, at just over 1300 m. The views looking down into the Waiau were more than worth it, and the very fun fast rocky descent to the valley floor was excellent.

From Maling Pass looking down to the Waiau.

This was definitely an intermediate grade trail down the valley – a lot of fun, but at times quite hard work with a loaded bike. Sometimes it was just following small paths across the grass on the river plains, at other times the purpose built trail had to climb a bit away from the valley floor – some of the pitches were so steep they required walking. At one stage the river valley narrowed to a steep-sided rocky gorge – so there were some wire swing bridges to cross, not always the easiest with a heavy bike and certain peril staring you in the face.

Most of the way down the valley, an ominous black cloud had been chasing me – thankfully it never broke completely, but the light rain that fell had a nice cooling effect as the day warmed up. It started to get pretty hot, & I made a point of drinking a lot – but still struggled to fight off a little nausea. After quite some time I finally caught up to some other riders – I think they’d had a much earlier start than I did. Turning east it was up over Charlies Saddle (more pushing) to go east up the Edwards River valley. That was manageable, but climbing out of that to Peters Pass was a solid fifteen minute push at gradients over twenty percent – hard work & I was starting to get a little fed up. At least there were a few other people around – some struggling like me, others depressingly riding a lot of it.

At the top of that climb the pass turned to an easy grade trail down to the St James Homestead. I cruised down that, wondering how much longer I would be able to go on, as the others all took off for Hamner Springs – which I was very much looking forward to seeing. The trail at ended at the homestead – it would be great to do it one day on an unloaded trail bike. Jacks Pass was a bit of a non-event, much to my relief, before a screaming 500 m drop down into the hot spring resort town of Hamner – it was nice to see civilisation again. I was so exhausted I spent about half an hour lying on the grass in the shade of big trees in the centre of town as the drizzle continued to fall. Back in phone coverage, I was able to pick up a couple of short encouraging messages that had been left, which did untold wonders for my spirits and determination to finish – I made a deal with myself that I’d complete this day & the next before making any rash decisions like pulling out or changing to the Brevette (which plenty of people had been doing).

With a bit of food, here I discovered the brilliance of salt & vinegar crisps (they’ve always been my favourite – but there restorative properties, mainly helping with salt levels, were new to me), and after a good rest I was ready for the fifty comparatively easy kilometres on highway to Hurunui. I took it easy, but being on the road my speed was well above the average for the rest of the day. At Culverden I came across a small group just setting off again after a coffee stop. Somehow I managed to hold on to the back of that group as Dan set off at quite some pace for the last fifteen kilometres to Hurunui (where I had planned to get to that night, at least). We stopped for a swim in the Huruni River and enjoyed the warmth of the late afternoon. With some good company, a swim and then the pub stop my Kiwi Brevet was back on track and saved – I was a happy camper again.

Kiwi Brevet 2015 – My Day One

The event briefing over quite early we had a lot of time to kill before the ten o’clock start. Never really one keen to stand around and talk about bikes and compare set-ups, there was plenty of time to find a supermarket and get a second breakfast (the large one provided by my exceptional hosts, Shirley and Doug, had somehow faded from my stomach already) and do a little stretching. Eventually it was time to assemble.

Seymour Square – the night before, prior to be filled with bikepackers. No Cycling signs – what No Cycling signs?

We set off in a light drizzle that persisted for hours, but was never really that bad. After a bit of road west out of Blenheim, we crossed to the north bank of the Wairau and followed it upstream on a gravel road through a big forestry block. A few days later and we would not have made it through here as the forest caught fire and a lot of land was burnt through. The pace was pretty quick in the bunch of about a hundred (I think the split was about 70% 1150 km Brevet, 30% 750 km Brevette), much quicker than I would normally ride. Following a big wide river valley up, it was generally gently climbing up with the the odd steeper up or down.

It was all very pleasant with plenty of people to talk to, I tended not to stop at all – which was not a great idea. Crossing back over the river we had a short stretch of highway into a nasty headwind before turning south into the Rainbow Valley. This was more gravel road gently (mostly) going up the valley – it was grand & absolutely spectacular as the mountains got bigger and slowly closed in. The light rain stopped and I paid my two dollar toll to get past the gatekeeper in plenty of time. I started to feel a little peaky at this time, but took it slowly & kept going.

As we climbed to the saddle before descending to Sedgemere Shelter, I started to feel a bit better. As it was still well early, I couldn’t bring myself to stop after my planned 150 km for the day (doing around 150 km per day should get me back by Saturday afternoon – although I’d only ever ridden that far in a day once, I thought that was achievable over ten to twelve hours). So with a bit of food on board I carried on up to Island Saddle, the highest point on the course at a shade over 1350 m. By this time I was riding with Oliver, a cycle tourist from Somerset (of all places) and Dean from Dunedin. I did it pretty tough on the climb up to the saddle, but eventually we were there and it was a nice blast down the hill – we turned off route for a kilometre and all feeling pretty tired camped at Lake Tennyson the night.

I think I overdid it a bit that day with the initial pace, not eating & drinking enough on a long & hotter-than-it-seemed day and not stopping enough (only twenty minutes stopped in almost ten hours). I was exhausted and dehydrated to the extent that I couldn’t even keep a few mouthful of water down at one stage. Eventually I managed to eat about a quarter of the rather tasty freeze-dried Thai chicken stirfry I’d brought along before collapsing into bed for a night of sleep broken by some rain and some strong gusts of wind roaring off the lake. That’ll teach me for not sticking to my rather conservative plan.

Post-Kiwi Brevet 2015

Just a quick post as I sit on the ferry to the North Island to say that I made it and completed the Kiwi Brevet 2015 edition in just over six hours shy of a whole week. Very happy to finish, that was also about twelve hours quicker than I vaguely planned. So that’s nice – but mostly due to a crazed decision to bike through to the finish on the Friday night, rather than being twelve hours faster. That option turned the last day into a nineteen hour day as we finished at 3.40 am Saturday morning.

I had three main reasons for wanting to ride and complete the Kiwi Brevet:

  • To reacquaint myself with NZ countryside & riding after so long away – especially in a part of the country I’ve spent very little time.
  • To meet some like-minded (read: similarly mad) people that would even contemplate doing such a ride.
  • Finally, to challenge myself a little/lot on the bike and put to some use all the riding I’ve been doing since August.

On all three counts the boxes stand firmly ticked.  They were probably checked off after the first day or two. The scenery was stunning for much of the ride, the first five days in particular, and I was happy to stop and take the odd photo. As the ride progressed, naturally the field spread out and I kept seeing and getting to know the same people as we passed each other – that was fantastic.

I did it toughest on the first evening and into the second morning after not drinking enough on a day that was hotter than it seemed – I struggled to even keep water down, let alone my dinner, and was rather nauseated for quite a bit. Once I got that under control, things got a lot better and I could concentrate on simply riding. The all-nighter into Blenheim was also a good challenge and one that I was keen to do mostly just to see if my body could cope with so long on the bike (we had plenty of stops, Oliver & I that is, as we didn’t really plan to ride so long – so were taking it very easy most of the day). Only early in the evening did I feel sleepy for fifteen minutes or so, otherwise the pedals kept going around steadily (mostly slowly) – I was very pleased, & a little surprised, with how well that went.

In some ways we were very lucky with the weather – it was quite unseasonable (January was a particularly hot and dry month) and never really got proper hot, which would have been exhausting. But we did get bouts of very heavy rain and extremely strong winds which were less than ideal (struggling to pedal downhill & only achieving 15 km/hr or pedalling on the flat in an easy gear and only just achieving 8 km/hr for kilometres on end is never fun). Mostly due to the weather, I stayed in hotels/motels for three of the nights and camped the rest. Apart from the last, none of the days were particularly long – three over ten hours, the rest around nine hours (moving time). I managed 1178 kilometres for the week – easily my most intense week of riding ever.

Riding highlights were the top half of the St James Cycleway, riding through McDonald Downs Station in the moist early morning fragrant air, and best of all – the Big River Trail and following long 4WD road out. The Big River Trail, near Reefton, was originally a track to access remote gold mines a hundred-plus years ago. It climbed gradually in very damp and moist conditions – never all that muddy, it was plenty slippery and with a loaded bike it was prudent to dismount at most of the stream crossings or when the rocks and roots got too off-camber. It was one of the few times all week that my big beefy tyres made any sense at all – ten kilometres took me two hours, but I rode the majority and it was so beautiful in there that I never resented the slow progress. By contrast the 4WD road was quite steep (mostly down, but some climbing) and covered with big loose, jagged rocks – I had an absolute blast and arrived in Reefton to find I’d made up a fair bit of time on quite a few, that didn’t happen very often due to there being so much road and my slow tyres/legs.

While we got stuck in many herds on country roads during the week – sheep, cows, hot-rods – the best wildlife sighting was ten minutes spent watching a large pod of dolphins extremely close to the shore at the Anakiwa end of Queen Charlotte Sound at dusk. Unfortunately, my camera was packed away due to the recent heavy rain – so that memory will have stay in my memory bank, but believe me it was astounding.

That’s probably enough for now – as I’m prone to do I’ll post later with too many words about each day. Here are some of my favourite photos of the week as a reward for reading/absently scrolling this far down.

Steadily riding up the Rainbow Valley – Day One.

Getting out of my tent at Lake Tennyson – start of Day Two.

Heading down to the St James Cycleway.

Somewhere after Porters Pass, but before Arthurs – when the wind was still with me.

Would I do it again? While I’m sure I could do it better and faster (carry less, faster tyres and put in longer days), at this stage I have no desire to repeat this route – because now I know what’s there and the sense of discovery of new places would not be there, and that’s a big motivator for me.

Pre-Kiwi Brevet 2015

This year the Kiwi Brevet is a 1150 kilometre clockwise loop (over 700 miles) on a mountain bike (for most) around the top half of the South Island in less than eight days. I’m not sure if I signed up for this because I was riding so much, or I thought it would be good motivation to ride a lot over the NZ summer – or maybe I’d temporarily lost my mind.  Either way, my bike is loaded up  and I’m my way to the start in Blenheim.  At the very least, I’ll get to see a lot of beautiful backcountry in a part of NZ that I’ve spent very little time.

This event draws its inspiration from the legendary and epic Tour Divide race in North America (basically a self-supported race following the Continental Divide from Banff, Alberta, to the USA-Mexico border at Antelope Wells, New Mexico, which is over 4400 km long and has over sixty-thousand metres of climbing!). The Kiwi Brevet is a lot tamer – with nowhere near as much climbing; a distinct lack of bears, mountain lions, aggressive packs of dogs, snakes; shorter distances between supply points; little chance of snow and so on. As such, the odd person uses the Kiwi Brevet as a stepping stone to the Tour Divide – still a vague possibility for me if I don’t completely hate the experience and fail to find a suitable job in the coming months…

By no means a competitive racer and really just along for the experience, I’ve not gone all out in trying to lighten the load on my bike by buying expensive new things (not having a job probably pays a part too). In fact, I don’t think I’ve bought anything new and my set-up is pretty similar in the two following photos taken ten months apart. Of course, it’ll cost me a bit of time and probably a lot of energy, especially the ever-reliable (so far) but large & slow tyres – but so be it.

Taken near Portsmouth March 2014 on my first solo overnight bikepacking trip.

All ready for the Kiwi Brevet; the only small changes I can see are an extra bottle & cage, a better pump, the upgraded (under warranty) k-lite dynamo powered light and no mudguards.

The self-supported part of the event means that you can only use what you carry on your own bike (or person I suppose – I’m not taking a backpack) and that which is available to all competitors. So you can carry camping equipment and camp or stay in hotels, motels, B&Bs (or a mix, of course) – but you can’t arrange to stay with friends, for instance. Similarly with food – you can eat what you carry and you can buy food at shops, restaurants, gas stations etc; but you can’t stop in at a friend’s house for a feed, be followed by a car with people giving you food or use food caches. There are few rules, it is rather low-key event (but with still a lot of organisation done by Scott & Jo) – in fact, I can’t even find the rules any more. I do remember reading that one rule is that you must have at least five hours of rest a night (that is not part of the Tour Divide rules) – I don’t think I’m going to come close to breaking that one. Needing to ride about 150 km per day, sleep had better not be a problem.

Here’s the map of the whole course – I’ve put a small amount of time into thinking where I might eat & sleep each night. Only the first night will be in the wilderness, I hope, as we will be in Molesworth Station after 150 km – which I think will be about my limit each day. The GPS file indicates just over nine thousand metres of climbing for the whole course – I’m somewhat skeptical of this, it doesn’t seem very much. It averages out at less than eight metres of climbing per kilometre – most of my rides recently have been more than this, some up to six times more. So I expect a whole lot more climbing than this (on my Garmin) – considering we’re crossing the Southern Alps and all.

So basically I’m going for a long eight day bike ride and don’t really know what I’m getting myself in for. If so inclined, you should be able to follow my progress (we’re all going to be carrying SPOT trackers) on the Map page of this site, or for the blue-dot-watchers: can follow the whole field here. Here’s hoping I make it around OK in less than the allotted time – after all, I have a Picton to Wellington ferry to catch afterwards so I can spend a week visiting good friends and family in and around Wellington (and maybe I’ll still want to ride my bike too).